
Manager is annoyed at me for taking a sick day…

I apologise if this is the wrong sub to write this. Ive been at this new work place for nearly 3 weeks now, I’ve arrived every single day and done beyond what I am employed to do. I have had shifts where it was only me and one other person working on the busiest day the place has ever had’ coming from someone that’s been there for 6 years. What makes it funnier is that I had training on Tuesday this week and the manager literally had a speech about how we all get ill sometimes because we’re only human and things happen out of our control sometimes, so if we ever needed a day off that is fine as long as we inform the work a day or 4 hours before our shift starts. Since Thursday evening I have had a terrible tooth ace (wisdom tooth growing through) and…

I apologise if this is the wrong sub to write this.

Ive been at this new work place for nearly 3 weeks now, I’ve arrived every single day and done beyond what I am employed to do. I have had shifts where it was only me and one other person working on the busiest day the place has ever had’ coming from someone that’s been there for 6 years.

What makes it funnier is that I had training on Tuesday this week and the manager literally had a speech about how we all get ill sometimes because we’re only human and things happen out of our control sometimes, so if we ever needed a day off that is fine as long as we inform the work a day or 4 hours before our shift starts.

Since Thursday evening I have had a terrible tooth ace (wisdom tooth growing through) and had to book an emergency dentist appointment to get it checked because I couldn’t eat or speak properly. The dentist said if the issue continues I will have to go to A & E because this is not the first time I’ve had this issue in about a month.

I contacted work yesterday at 3 PM (my shifts started 5PM the next day so that is 24 hours before hand) informing them what’s been going on and I will not be able to come in. They got back to me today a few hours before my shift with the most snappy and stroppy response saying “Well that isn’t going to work out, You have to inform us a week before if these situations happen because of the rota”.

??? I didn’t exactly plan on growing my wisdom tooth on a certain day. And so much for only being human. Work places literally don’t care about your health, they have one thing on their mind.

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