
Amazon plans to lay off much of their workers after tax refunds issued

I've been lurking forever and felt like sharing this story. My partner is an Amazon driver. My brother married an Amazon executive–the type who flies to “conferences” all over the country to attend casinos and golf courses–she told me at a get-together that people not wanting to work is hurting Amazon's bottom line too hard and that the solution is coming, she warns. By warn I mean specifically, warned me to not let my partner quit Amazon because she's going to need the money. What's gonna happen is they'll start laying off much of their workforce in mid March citing a supply chain issue. Really, they're worried workers won't work too hard after getting their tax refunds in April so they're gonna lay off workers in March, those with more dependents getting laid off first, and try to make everyone dry up their refund, so they'll have to commit to…

I've been lurking forever and felt like sharing this story. My partner is an Amazon driver. My brother married an Amazon executive–the type who flies to “conferences” all over the country to attend casinos and golf courses–she told me at a get-together that people not wanting to work is hurting Amazon's bottom line too hard and that the solution is coming, she warns.

By warn I mean specifically, warned me to not let my partner quit Amazon because she's going to need the money. What's gonna happen is they'll start laying off much of their workforce in mid March citing a supply chain issue.

Really, they're worried workers won't work too hard after getting their tax refunds in April so they're gonna lay off workers in March, those with more dependents getting laid off first, and try to make everyone dry up their refund, so they'll have to commit to the job more.

So when you see supply chain stories in the news in a few weeks, that's just the media conditioning us for big layoffs not just at Amazon but probably lots of other industries too. I would imagine Amazon isn't the only one doing this, these corporate executives all think alike.

Oh yes, she brought this up after bragging about a 5 week trip to Florida, I say me and my partner will probably go there for a week when our refunds get to us. She thinks her 5 week stint of team building conferences is divine work but my 5 day trip will cripple the company.

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