
My father passed away yesterday

My father passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning. With this being a holiday weekend (in the US) it’s going to take a lot longer to get him buried. My work is giving me only 5 days of bereavement. 5 fucking days to mourn and hold a funeral and get all his affairs in order. There is no way I’m going to be ready to return to my job in 5 days. How can companies be so inconsiderate?

My father passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning. With this being a holiday weekend (in the US) it’s going to take a lot longer to get him buried.

My work is giving me only 5 days of bereavement. 5 fucking days to mourn and hold a funeral and get all his affairs in order. There is no way I’m going to be ready to return to my job in 5 days.

How can companies be so inconsiderate?

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