
My first job experience

First time poster here. For the majority of my life ive lived off my parents thankfully. Covid luckily didn't affect us money wise. And while we are still broke but we've never not been able to do whats needed. However as i got older i needed more money and got a job with mobile phone company. Interviewed and hired same day. 1st day was mainly going through training media. I felt like i was being brain washed, shown propaganda ect. 2nd day i had hands on experience with customers, i was guided by another manager than the first day manager and did monthly payments. A woman came in, too weak to even stand at the counter, she was counting to the last of her bills to pay. I felt like i was taking everything she had, everything she earned. Later inwas shown how to give discounts when bundling. Turns out…

First time poster here. For the majority of my life ive lived off my parents thankfully. Covid luckily didn't affect us money wise. And while we are still broke but we've never not been able to do whats needed. However as i got older i needed more money and got a job with mobile phone company.
Interviewed and hired same day.

1st day was mainly going through training media. I felt like i was being brain washed, shown propaganda ect.

2nd day i had hands on experience with customers, i was guided by another manager than the first day manager and did monthly payments. A woman came in, too weak to even stand at the counter, she was counting to the last of her bills to pay. I felt like i was taking everything she had, everything she earned. Later inwas shown how to give discounts when bundling. Turns out all it is, is manually typing a new price, no actual discounts or anything. Just dropping the amount low enough that theyll bite. When 20 dollars more they didn't have enough or couldn't afford it.

3rd day i felt the crunch of training. Objects kept poping up dispite me cleaning them before. And if i want to “know the promotions” i have to finish it. That being said i have yet to be shown what promotions are active as the training cant stay up to date.

4th day im working with a co worker who had been out for some time due to a flu. And i have learned why i was hired so quickly, due to demands to meet quotas and some drama over broken equipment 6 people left. And i have learned more details about the manager who hired me. He is very sales focused to the point of alienating customers. The training is actually very good about not forcing sales, but to guide and probe the conversation to ask about their interest in anything. But to focus on a two way conversation and make them feel heard. This manager however only communicates to us when it comes to sales.

Physically this job is a breeze. 80 percent of the time i sit around and do training. The rest is helping customers. And when i do a good job, answer their questions they love it and i love it. But the times were im pushing sales. I feel like im scamming people.

TL:DR I feel like a scammer when i push sales to people who are already tight for cash. Theres good moments but ultimately my conscious isnt clear.

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