
What’s your definition of a successful business?

To make change we first need to change the way we look at what the perception of a successful business is. Currently it seems to be that success is squeezing as much out of the work force for as little compensation as possible while charging the customer as much as possible to make a select handful of executives/shareholders as much money as possible. Success needs to be viewed as (in my mind): providing a quality product to a customer at a value that allows that ALL employees are provided a THRIVE-ABLE wage & benefits.

To make change we first need to change the way we look at what the perception of a successful business is.

Currently it seems to be that success is squeezing as much out of the work force for as little compensation as possible while charging the customer as much as possible to make a select handful of executives/shareholders as much money as possible.

Success needs to be viewed as (in my mind): providing a quality product to a customer at a value that allows that ALL employees are provided a THRIVE-ABLE wage & benefits.

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