
My father’s shitty job at the airport

My dad works at a company that handles multiple airlines, so he basically is a counter agent for three airlines. Super long hours, dealing with shitty customers and shitty working conditions, and all for peanuts. Almost no one who works there stays because of the poverty wages. My dad has been applying to many jobs but to no avail. I have been urging him to talk to his coworkers about unionizing, but literally NOBODY is staying. The turnover rate is ridiculous. I feel so sad and so angry at the same time seeing him like this. He’s working so fucking hard and all he gets is cheap ass donuts and “thank you for working so hard” bullshit. He’s exhausted physically and mentally, and we barley see him. Oh and get this: they’ll be increasing his wage $1.50 for ONLY THREE MONTHS because iT’s sUmMeR sO iT’S bUsy!1 I want to…

My dad works at a company that handles multiple airlines, so he basically is a counter agent for three airlines.

Super long hours, dealing with shitty customers and shitty working conditions, and all for peanuts.

Almost no one who works there stays because of the poverty wages. My dad has been applying to many jobs but to no avail. I have been urging him to talk to his coworkers about unionizing, but literally NOBODY is staying. The turnover rate is ridiculous.

I feel so sad and so angry at the same time seeing him like this. He’s working so fucking hard and all he gets is cheap ass donuts and “thank you for working so hard” bullshit. He’s exhausted physically and mentally, and we barley see him.

Oh and get this: they’ll be increasing his wage $1.50 for ONLY THREE MONTHS because iT’s sUmMeR sO iT’S bUsy!1

I want to help him but I don’t know how.

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