
Advice for organizing workers strike?

I work a second job delivering pizza for one of the big name franchises and am paid $5 below min wage here in Ontario because they hire us as “contractors” instead of employees. Their argument is that with tips we will make well over min wage however most days (especially after factoring gas into it) we get shafted on tips and end up making either less than min or just around it. They charge a $5+ delivery fee for every order yet not a single penny of that goes to the drivers, they also have us performing side duties like dishes and cleaning (where we ofc can’t earn tips, therefore working for less than min wage). I want to fight for us to get maybe $2 per delivery or an increase to min wage so that we aren’t solely relying on tips. I was thinking we could all band together…

I work a second job delivering pizza for one of the big name franchises and am paid $5 below min wage here in Ontario because they hire us as “contractors” instead of employees. Their argument is that with tips we will make well over min wage however most days (especially after factoring gas into it) we get shafted on tips and end up making either less than min or just around it.

They charge a $5+ delivery fee for every order yet not a single penny of that goes to the drivers, they also have us performing side duties like dishes and cleaning (where we ofc can’t earn tips, therefore working for less than min wage). I want to fight for us to get maybe $2 per delivery or an increase to min wage so that we aren’t solely relying on tips.

I was thinking we could all band together to demand this pay increase to the owner and say if we’re not given it we will all call out on the weekend (busiest days).. am I going the right route? And if so how do I bring this up to my coworkers and get them to buy in on this idea? Some of them seem pretty content with the current structure..

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