
Figuring out how to make a living is BY FAR the biggest obstacle of my life.

I have debilitating C-PTSD. I'm lucky enough to not have to worry about money for at least several more years, but I worry about it nonetheless. The thought of doing interviews stresses me the fuck out. How am I ever gonna be able to work 40 hours a week? If not, how am I gonna gather the energy to even just apply for disability? Let alone live off of that? I can't force work ethic because I'll just burnout again, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see if there's something out there for me. Take it day by day. I have very low expectations for my life. I don't have huge ambitions. I don't care about marriage, vacations, having kids, pets, a career. I just want a job that is at least half-sustainable for me to work. I just wanna live life. That's all. Guess we'll have…

I have debilitating C-PTSD. I'm lucky enough to not have to worry about money for at least several more years, but I worry about it nonetheless.

The thought of doing interviews stresses me the fuck out. How am I ever gonna be able to work 40 hours a week? If not, how am I gonna gather the energy to even just apply for disability? Let alone live off of that? I can't force work ethic because I'll just burnout again, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see if there's something out there for me. Take it day by day.

I have very low expectations for my life. I don't have huge ambitions. I don't care about marriage, vacations, having kids, pets, a career. I just want a job that is at least half-sustainable for me to work. I just wanna live life. That's all. Guess we'll have to see if the world thinks I'm deserving of it.

There's gotta be so many people who feel this way. People with PTSD like me. People with autism. People with other mental disorders. Or physical disabilities. Even able-bodied/neurotypical people with STEM degrees. You've gotta be extremely privileged to not be struggling these days.

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