
If you were to start your own business how would you do things differently?

I like to think about how I'd run a business differently and treat my employees with respect, some of the things I'd do different: Sickleave – While I'd give people a set number of days to prevent someone from abusing, I'd probably give my employess 10 days but I'd also make them a no questions asked 10 days. We're not in grade school and demanding a doctor's note to get paid is ridiculous. If you need a day for mental health, then go ahead and use it for that. Pay – Personally I think well paid employees will do better at their jobs and if the company is succeeding and making good profits that boon should be extended to the employees. So I'd have a kind of profitsharing bonus that I'd give all the employees at the end of the year in addition to providing a living wage. Toxic Managers…

I like to think about how I'd run a business differently and treat my employees with respect, some of the things I'd do different:

Sickleave – While I'd give people a set number of days to prevent someone from abusing, I'd probably give my employess 10 days but I'd also make them a no questions asked 10 days. We're not in grade school and demanding a doctor's note to get paid is ridiculous. If you need a day for mental health, then go ahead and use it for that.

Pay – Personally I think well paid employees will do better at their jobs and if the company is succeeding and making good profits that boon should be extended to the employees. So I'd have a kind of profitsharing bonus that I'd give all the employees at the end of the year in addition to providing a living wage.

Toxic Managers – I'd be on the lookout for toxic managers in my company. If I found any to be displaying toxic work culture, they'd be terminated in a heartbeat. I will not tolerate shitty bosses as they can wreck your entire business and as an owner I'd be the one losing out and they'd just move onto another job that they can destroy.

Listening to my employees – If someone comes to me with a problem I would not ignore it hoping it would just go away. Too often I'm reading articles where someone reported a co-worker and the complaint got ignored. I worked at a place where one of my co-workers was being sexually harassed and she reported it to her boss and her boss didn't do anything. Luckily our human resources department did listen to her when she went above her boss to complain and bother the boss and harasser got fired from their jobs.

I'm curious what a lot of you would do if you had the chance to run a business that's different from what companies currently do.

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