
restaurant workers are people too.

I'm sure most people in this sub understand that restaurant workers aren't punching bags but on the off chance there are any trust babies that slipped through. I ask you to please treat them with respect. This includes; not getting angry at them for things that are likely a decision from the owner. Not throwing a temper tantrum when mistakes are made or service is slow do to business or short staffing issues. Maybe just say please and thank you instead of barking orders at us like were your insubordinate. This is a letter from the lowest man on the totem pole whom works at possibly the lowest job on the totem pole.

I'm sure most people in this sub understand that restaurant workers aren't punching bags but on the off chance there are any trust babies that slipped through. I ask you to please treat them with respect. This includes; not getting angry at them for things that are likely a decision from the owner. Not throwing a temper tantrum when mistakes are made or service is slow do to business or short staffing issues. Maybe just say please and thank you instead of barking orders at us like were your insubordinate.

This is a letter from the lowest man on the totem pole whom works at possibly the lowest job on the totem pole.

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