
Should I quit because someone I work with wants me to?

If anyone can give me some advice I would appreciate it. I work at a grocery store, it should be a really easy job, but it’s become really difficult because there is a women I work with that doesn’t like working with me. I feel really bad for working there coz I know she doesn’t like me and would be happier if I leave, but I’m scared to leave, for selfish reasons( I really need some money coming in and I’m scared it will take me along time to get another job) I feel guilty coz she has told me she doesn’t like working with me. I can completely understand why she doesn’t like working with me, it’s because I’m very shy and awkward. Although no one I’ve ever worked with before has had a problem with me, everyone has always been really nice, I’m sure people have said stuff…

If anyone can give me some advice I would appreciate it.

I work at a grocery store, it should be a really easy job, but it’s become really difficult because there is a women I work with that doesn’t like working with me.

I feel really bad for working there coz I know she doesn’t like me and would be happier if I leave, but I’m scared to leave, for selfish reasons( I really need some money coming in and I’m scared it will take me along time to get another job)
I feel guilty coz she has told me she doesn’t like working with me.

I can completely understand why she doesn’t like working with me, it’s because I’m very shy and awkward. Although no one I’ve ever worked with before has had a problem with me, everyone has always been really nice, I’m sure people have said stuff behind my back but that doesn’t bother me, so it just really sucks that this woman has a problem with me.

Before I worked with her I really enjoyed the job, obviously I don’t get paid a lot but that doesn’t bother me.

I really don’t know what to do about it.

To give to examples of things she has said ‘why have you never had braces?’ I replied oh I don’t know I’ve never thought about it why? And she said ‘coz your teeth are really bad so I don’t get why you wouldn’t get braces’

She has mocked the way that I speak which really hurt me coz I’m very self conscious of the way that I speak.

When she said she didn’t like working with me I told her that I will try my best to get moved to a different department and she said ‘no one would like working with you’

She said to me, that she heard two of the managers talking about me saying they’re going to fire me so I should hand my notice in ASAP but one of the managers that she said was saying this wasn’t there on that day so I know that it wasn’t true. She is just desperate for me to leave.

She dosnt acknowledge anything I say, I don’t really talk at work coz I’m very shy but anything I say it’s just met with silence, she only acknowledges anything I say if it’s to be horrible. She’s also very bossy which I don’t mind but last couple of months it’s become too much, she doesn’t even let me go to the bathroom outside of my brakes.

It maybe sounds like she’s not nice but she only dose this to me, and it’s my own fault because I’m so severely shy and awkward.

So I don’t know what to do, should I do the nice thing and leave so this woman is happy, or be selfish and wait until I have another job?

I’m really upset about the situation, it makes me so sad that someone would have such a problem with me just existing.

(I’m 25 this woman is about 60)

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