
You wanna know what really grinds my gears…

Not fucking doing your easy as shit job. I work shifts along with the person I trained. When she first started she used to be on top of everything and it really made both of our jobs easier but now she doesn't do anything but sit here. I'm all for only doing what you are paid to do and no more but you really need to actually do what you are paid to do at the very least. She doesn't get the names of giveaway winners or log them so sometimes they show up during my shift and I just look like a fucking idiot running around trying to figure out who the fuck this person is and I end up looking incompetent. She doesn't do any of the bullshit logs that we have to fill out as part of our basic duties so basically it's only my name in…

Not fucking doing your easy as shit job.

I work shifts along with the person I trained. When she first started she used to be on top of everything and it really made both of our jobs easier but now she doesn't do anything but sit here. I'm all for only doing what you are paid to do and no more but you really need to actually do what you are paid to do at the very least.

She doesn't get the names of giveaway winners or log them so sometimes they show up during my shift and I just look like a fucking idiot running around trying to figure out who the fuck this person is and I end up looking incompetent.

She doesn't do any of the bullshit logs that we have to fill out as part of our basic duties so basically it's only my name in them. While most of them are pointless it would be great if she would fill out the one where she states that she lent the key to multi million dollar equipment to whoever.

I can't tell you how many times my supervisor has asked me about shit I know nothing about/can't answer because she doesn't do her job. It really isn't that hard and it takes 5 minutes so you still end up doing next to nothing most of the day.

This is the same person that got tapped over me to be my temp supervisor because my manager is petty and just likes her.

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