
My boss just fired my supervisor for not spraying roundup(illegal in our state) on our nursery, he doesn’t know the manager just quit and reported him to OSHA. Literally every other employee is about to quit.

Once again I found I job I love, close to the house and my coworkers are the shit. Ive been at this job for roughly three months now and slowly but surely the owner has shown himself to be a complete boomer shit heel: only hiring young “cute” girls to work up front, passive aggressive/gaslighting behavior towards male employees, wage theft, the whole round up thing, labor abuse( the labor dept has also been called), scamming on younger female(19) employees(hes 74), cant run the business without us but is more than willing to sacrifice us for his profits, calls and texts on days off with the expectation to show up as if on call etc etc etc. This bitch even sneaks out to the employee fridge and eats our food. I felt pretty depressed and stressed out about it earlier, but to be fair, Im 50 and have never had…

Once again I found I job I love, close to the house and my coworkers are the shit. Ive been at this job for roughly three months now and slowly but surely the owner has shown himself to be a complete boomer shit heel: only hiring young “cute” girls to work up front, passive aggressive/gaslighting behavior towards male employees, wage theft, the whole round up thing, labor abuse( the labor dept has also been called), scamming on younger female(19) employees(hes 74), cant run the business without us but is more than willing to sacrifice us for his profits, calls and texts on days off with the expectation to show up as if on call etc etc etc. This bitch even sneaks out to the employee fridge and eats our food.

I felt pretty depressed and stressed out about it earlier, but to be fair, Im 50 and have never had a job where the boss wasnt some kind of power trip control freak boomer, so this all tracks with my life experiences. Im just hoping I can use this to help radicalize these kids on their way out the door, as this is a tailor made lesson for why we need labor solidarity. The best I can hope for now is to get shouldered with the spraying, which Im about to, and record it.

Edit: We've been looking into it and I dont think its the roundup but something else, something else and that worries me as I weed and irrigate all of this stuff, pray for me yall, lol

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