
I got fired from my toxic workplace

So this is a bit of a long story. So a woman I worked with got a promotion (forklift driver to co-teamleader).Another colleague was angry, because he didn't get the promotion, nor a higher wage.And he felt a woman couldn't do this job, and he was better than a woman. When in truth, she was 10x better and faster than him, nice to work with, helpfull, and many other colleagues complained about him. Now, because of this, he started harassing other colleagues, intimidating, sabotaging work (which he was caught with) and purposely endangering others by cutting people off when driving the forklift. He first harrassed the woman for about 6 months, got called up dozens of times to talk with the teamleader, who never took any action against him. Eventually he had to come for a talk with the plant manager.He had to stop harassing her.He somewhat did, but then,…

So this is a bit of a long story.

So a woman I worked with got a promotion (forklift driver to co-teamleader).Another colleague was angry, because he didn't get the promotion, nor a higher wage.And he felt a woman couldn't do this job, and he was better than a woman.

When in truth, she was 10x better and faster than him, nice to work with, helpfull, and many other colleagues complained about him.

Now, because of this, he started harassing other colleagues, intimidating, sabotaging work (which he was caught with) and purposely endangering others by cutting people off when driving the forklift.

He first harrassed the woman for about 6 months, got called up dozens of times to talk with the teamleader, who never took any action against him.

Eventually he had to come for a talk with the plant manager.He had to stop harassing her.He somewhat did, but then, he started harassing me, because he felt I took party for her and another colleague.

When the first year or something, we allways worked well together.

He started harassing me, sabotaging my work, putting me in danger.Making false reports on me in the workreport system about my job.

I went to the teamleader about 20+ times to complain about him.He never ever took any action, apart from setting us together for a talk, which never solved anything.

When I had a complaint, my boss told me to talk to him, that I had a complaint, and then we had to come for a talk.

Ofcourse, this confrontation only escalates the situation.

After about another year, my female colleague was home with a burnout, can't blame her.Because this situation was extremely draining, when you're 5 minutes on the job, and there's another big confrontation, blowup.

My boss his response : well, she'll come back when she's better.When he never dealt with the problem of this toxic colleague.

Now after trying to work trough this for about 1,5 years, I started the process of filing an official complaint with the union to get this situation investigatged.

And a week later I was fired, I suspect because management was told I was filing this official complaint.And they'd rather get rid of me, than deal with a union investigation.

On a high note, the toxic colleague was fired too.

I really don't care, I feel 1000 better leaving this toxic shithole.Since leaving that job, I've been home, worked at a place for about 2 weeks since then.But then I kinda collapsed in a full burnout/depression which I'm still dealing with to this day.

But now I've been spending my time at home learning 3D/animation.

It's been a while, but after finding this sub, I wanted to share it.

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