
Caterpillar Maple Foundry is only being fined less than 300,000$ for the death of several individuals in the past two years? Does this sound right? Is my information correct in the first place?

Hello. If any information in the title is incorrect, please notify and upvote the appropriate comment or delete my post entirely. I’ve tried looking up news articles and other sources but most just speak about the deaths of individuals who fell into a hole and from a ladder as well as the death of an individual who fell INTO a crucible and what the potential fines are. Which are abysmally low according to what I’ve read when simply searching “Caterpillar Maple Foundry Death 2022”. This is so frightening to me that even when these companies kill people due to incompetence or lack of security efforts they only get a small slap? To put this into perspective, the company made 51$ BILLION with a B in recent years and is the largest construction and mining entity in the world and their fines seem to total up to less than 300,000. Thanks…

Hello. If any information in the title is incorrect, please notify and upvote the appropriate comment or delete my post entirely.

I’ve tried looking up news articles and other sources but most just speak about the deaths of individuals who fell into a hole and from a ladder as well as the death of an individual who fell INTO a crucible and what the potential fines are.

Which are abysmally low according to what I’ve read when simply searching “Caterpillar Maple Foundry Death 2022”.

This is so frightening to me that even when these companies kill people due to incompetence or lack of security efforts they only get a small slap?

To put this into perspective, the company made 51$ BILLION with a B in recent years and is the largest construction and mining entity in the world and their fines seem to total up to less than 300,000.

Thanks for answers. If this is real, sheesh guys. We are [have been] in trouble.

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