
I was wrongfully fired from previous IT job last year and lost a house as a result.

To make matters worse buying a house again became way more expensive and I regretted selling my house. I am a home owner again and I used the Two Cup method to manifest a better IT job with respectful managers and people at an Energy company so I am doing good now. I'm currently in Midwest USA and there's lots of racism here. The minorities get fired way more often and easily compared to the white majority. I witnessed an entire department of African American people get fired and the company's main client was a huge national retailer that was previously sued for discrimination and mistreatment of minority African Americans in another state. Then I was fired when I spoke about the wrongs I've seen. But months before I was fired the COO ordered me a prayer matt (Sujaayat) from Amazon. I am genetically part him and from the Middle…

To make matters worse buying a house again became way more expensive and I regretted selling my house. I am a home owner again and I used the Two Cup method to manifest a better IT job with respectful managers and people at an Energy company so I am doing good now.

I'm currently in Midwest USA and there's lots of racism here. The minorities get fired way more often and easily compared to the white majority. I witnessed an entire department of African American people get fired and the company's main client was a huge national retailer that was previously sued for discrimination and mistreatment of minority African Americans in another state.

Then I was fired when I spoke about the wrongs I've seen. But months before I was fired the COO ordered me a prayer matt (Sujaayat) from Amazon. I am genetically part him and from the Middle East (I am half ancient Eurasian) and he knows my culture and we even share some words. His own son has a middle eastern name too. What surprised me was that a previous VP who quit because of his age discrimination on her told me he could've prevented my firing. The fact he ordered that Sujaayat prayer Matt (because he felt guilty of firings he did on people and knew I knew.) for me that I used to pray at the company private prayer area numerous times only strengthened the storm I later sent (Witchcraft/Magic). He wasn't affected by the remote magic I did but the son of the CEO who signed off on the firings and some others were affected by it and they're probably still getting affected by it. Someone who works there told me some stuff that happened to the CEO son and others. CEO son is still alive and fine though. I did an original Earth pyramid triangle Hex on them, it may even become a generational curse on them that will continue on.

Anyways some of you guys may not believe in Witchcraft but it is very real. I got some backfire from doing the witchcraft and suffered some stock market loss of $25k and also broke a foot but I've done ceremonial bathes to clear myself of the backfire. I've since repented and went back to the light side. But I am sharing the Witchcraft part to let readers know to never post your photos on Linkedin, this only makes it easier for people to do Witchcraft. If you're on this sub though you're on the good side, not the evil employer side so you will be fine and be blessed.

I plan to win lottery huge via the two cup method. I have won a few jackpots before but they were $25k and $50k prizes, which is still decent but I want to become millionaire so I can be free of work life all together.

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