
I just don’t want to work.

Working just doesn’t interest me. Every job description I read sounds miserable no matter how good the pay is. I’ve been unemployed since January. If it weren’t for the constant fear of poverty, homelessness, and food scarcity, I would be on cloud nine. All I want to do in this world is watch YouTube and travel and try new food. I want to play video games and make art and laugh at memes. I just want to enjoy being alive. There is no number of concessions the capital class can make to me I should work. I don't want to submit and debase myself by being some power-tripping manager's slave under threat of starvation. I refuse to waste my life on meaningless, tedious nonsense that actively helps to destroy the world I live in. I refuse to participate in a society that excludes me from its achievements. And for what?…

Working just doesn’t interest me. Every job description I read sounds miserable no matter how good the pay is. I’ve been unemployed since January. If it weren’t for the constant fear of poverty, homelessness, and food scarcity, I would be on cloud nine. All I want to do in this world is watch YouTube and travel and try new food. I want to play video games and make art and laugh at memes. I just want to enjoy being alive.

There is no number of concessions the capital class can make to me I should work. I don't want to submit and debase myself by being some power-tripping manager's slave under threat of starvation. I refuse to waste my life on meaningless, tedious nonsense that actively helps to destroy the world I live in. I refuse to participate in a society that excludes me from its achievements.

And for what? So I can make some rich fuck who doesn't give a shit about my wants even richer?

Not everyone needs to be contributing to society somehow. It’s okay to just be alive for simple pleasures and nothing else.

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