
Gave my two weeks like an idiot

So, I know what people are going to say. I shouldn't have given notice, I should have just left. Believe me I know. However, I gave my two weeks for a couple reasons. The first being so that I could retain health insurance until I started my new job. The second was because my manager is actually decent and has bent over backwards for me in the past. The problem here isn't him. It's his boss and my coworkers. I have worked my ass off for the last two years for this job. Working two weeks in a row with no day off at times because we were short handed. I've watched our department lose every hard worker we've ever had, just waiting until I could get a better job and leave. I put my two weeks in and since no one has looked at me or spoken to me.…

So, I know what people are going to say. I shouldn't have given notice, I should have just left. Believe me I know. However, I gave my two weeks for a couple reasons. The first being so that I could retain health insurance until I started my new job. The second was because my manager is actually decent and has bent over backwards for me in the past.

The problem here isn't him. It's his boss and my coworkers. I have worked my ass off for the last two years for this job. Working two weeks in a row with no day off at times because we were short handed. I've watched our department lose every hard worker we've ever had, just waiting until I could get a better job and leave.

I put my two weeks in and since no one has looked at me or spoken to me. It's gotten worse since my manager went on vacation. Now I'm getting nasty notes on my desk and I can't prove who wrote them or that I myself didn't write them so HR will do nothing. My managers boss said I should have expected this and really I should be apologizing to the team for what I'm doing to them by leaving.

I'm one of three people who's last day is Friday. The other two haven't been here as long as I have. I'm the only one being treated like this. So, now I feel stuck. I don't want to lose my insurance before I have new insurance. But I am so depressed being here because of how I'm treated. I guess I just needed to vent and also let people know that two week notice just paints a target on your back no matter how well you got on with CO workers before. Thanks for being a place that I can rant and know that at least someone will understand me.

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