
Mass quit on my work place

Back story: We were working on a popular western cuisine restaurant. Due to it's popularity, almost everyday it's full house which is good for the business. However not to us. We were forced to work 12-13 hours per day, no shift, starting from 2pm for mise en place, 4pm serving till 12am, then closing which usually last till 1am, 6 days per week. No break or what's or ever, only rest for a minute when all order's are completed (for chef) & no need for serving the dish, cleaning, payment (for waiter) We were paid for USD271 (convereted from RM) monthly, only USD11 raise per year (again converted from RM) and that pretty much it, no bonus, insurance (incase of accident at work) or any sort of allowance. Instead our salary will be deducted for few cent (if USD) if we were late even just a second, same goes for…

Back story: We were working on a popular western cuisine restaurant. Due to it's popularity, almost everyday it's full house which is good for the business. However not to us. We were forced to work 12-13 hours per day, no shift, starting from 2pm for mise en place, 4pm serving till 12am, then closing which usually last till 1am, 6 days per week. No break or what's or ever, only rest for a minute when all order's are completed (for chef) & no need for serving the dish, cleaning, payment (for waiter)

We were paid for USD271 (convereted from RM) monthly, only USD11 raise per year (again converted from RM) and that pretty much it, no bonus, insurance (incase of accident at work) or any sort of allowance. Instead our salary will be deducted for few cent (if USD) if we were late even just a second, same goes for went home before 1am even when our work is done. No paid overtime, which usually we had to due to short of staff. Same goes to paid leave & sick, nope, we didn't get that.
Food & drinks are provided but only certain dish which not alot, therefore keep eating same food over & over because we were underpaid for a job that pretty much cost us a lot of free time to do anything else.

Due to how shit we were treated, ultimately it's effect the whole line cook & team of waiter. No more teamwork, everyone became toxic especially during serving & rush hour, food quality in terms of taste, preparation & value become shit. Food safety end up became an issue as the chef no longer wanted to prepare accordingly, only waiting for an unlucky customer to get food poisoning & forced me not to eat anything from that restaurant, thus losing the benefit of free food & cost me more to bring my own. Cross contamination became normal, spoiled food, well it became unspoiled according to chef. Those who dreamed of being a chef end up being a shit show. Waiter, well most of em are nothing more than teen just graduate from high school & waiting a calling from collage/university to furthering their studies.

Then there comes the day when almost everyone had enough, many start not showing up & left without notice/ late notice. Starting from a chef who had been working there for 2 years, then me, and then the rest simultaneously. Currently that restaurant temporarily closed down due to lack of workers (more like slave actually), those who still loyal being sent to work on another branch which surprisingly the majority of the workers there are bunch of loyal lap dog that didn't care being treated like shit and receive little in return. Those who remain from my branch now end up had to commute to the next town daily which take about 40minute – 1hour of commute.

Damn owner so fucking pissed off then forced those who quit to find immediate replacement via non stop phone calls & dm (where im totally ignore it), even threatened not to paid our overdue salary.

I used to work at Domino Pizza too as part time delivery rider before furthering my studies & holy shit it's even better than full time here. Better working condition, salary, benefits (not much for part timer but acceptable), atmosphere, more professionalism.

Just wanted to say that we workers had our right, and those greedy motherfuckers higher ups can be overthrowned if we all unite for sake of our right. Don't let them take away our right or whole life just for sake of making them more rich than they are already and simply not because we workers are simply replaceable & they had the money to paid us. Without us, they nothing.

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