
Working at a truck dealership, we laid off our shipper/receiver and the rest of us are expected to pick up the slack with no pay increase

Pretty frustrating, I've been here for nearly 10 years, used to be a shipper, now sell parts to keep logging operations functioning. Stressful job at times, and one that I can't balance doing properly while taking on the shipper responsibilities. Aside from receiving massive stock orders and a myriad of other shipments daily, we've got shipping obligations, warranty, core returns, and a ton of other bullshit we don't have time to do. I'm not sure what the point of giving us a job description is when they can add to it on a whim without any pay increase.

Pretty frustrating, I've been here for nearly 10 years, used to be a shipper, now sell parts to keep logging operations functioning. Stressful job at times, and one that I can't balance doing properly while taking on the shipper responsibilities. Aside from receiving massive stock orders and a myriad of other shipments daily, we've got shipping obligations, warranty, core returns, and a ton of other bullshit we don't have time to do.

I'm not sure what the point of giving us a job description is when they can add to it on a whim without any pay increase.

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