
Should grade and salary be public information for public servants, or all workers?

I work at the US HHS National Institutes of Health. Much of our funding data is public since we are funded by US taxpayers: My supervisor last week had a meltdown discussion with me when asked about career gaslighting and lying about close colleague promotions. Anyway, her argument was if federal grade levels were public, why shouldn't salaries be, or performance reviews? I believe employment information should public be if you are a local state or federal employee. Should grade and salary be public for public servants, or all workers? For example: Any other examples? Or any sites that actually list federal salaries? Any pending legislation that would require it?

I work at the US HHS National Institutes of Health. Much of our funding data is public since we are funded by US taxpayers:

My supervisor last week had a meltdown discussion with me when asked about career gaslighting and lying about close colleague promotions. Anyway, her argument was if federal grade levels were public, why shouldn't salaries be, or performance reviews? I believe employment information should public be if you are a local state or federal employee.

Should grade and salary be public for public servants, or all workers?

For example:

Any other examples? Or any sites that actually list federal salaries? Any pending legislation that would require it?

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