
Point systems are genuinely the dumbest shit

Just got a written warning today for getting 3 points. All were out of my control completely (2 from being so sick there was no way I could make it in, it's also an ongoing issue that my boss knows I'm working thru with my doctor but still getting points for that I guess) but the one that gets me the most happened yesterday. I was almost completely out of gas so was planning to stop at the station, but as would be my luck, the entire city was out of power (ok?? Did some set a firework off into the energy grid?). I didn't know this at the time and just thought that station was down so I drove a bit further to another station. Their pumps were down too, so I drive back to the other station to see if they were back up and then finally learned…

Just got a written warning today for getting 3 points. All were out of my control completely (2 from being so sick there was no way I could make it in, it's also an ongoing issue that my boss knows I'm working thru with my doctor but still getting points for that I guess) but the one that gets me the most happened yesterday.

I was almost completely out of gas so was planning to stop at the station, but as would be my luck, the entire city was out of power (ok?? Did some set a firework off into the energy grid?). I didn't know this at the time and just thought that station was down so I drove a bit further to another station. Their pumps were down too, so I drive back to the other station to see if they were back up and then finally learned the entire city's power was out. I live pretty far from work so I'd have to backtrack to a town nearer to my house to get gas and at this point I knew I was going to be late. I called my boss, let him know, got gas finally and made it to work only about 20 min late.

Get to today, I finish my shift, stayed after a bit to get some extra work done that would have been a hassle had I left it for tomorrow so I'm really tired by this point and ready to leave when my boss calls me to his office. Basically he tells me I'm at 3 points. I ask how. I knew I had 2 before and assumed yesterday's was half. He says it's a full point since I was late on a holiday. I'm pretty stunned by this; I'd told him exactly why I was late yesterday. What was I supposed to do? Fix the city's electricity? Teleport to work? I wanted to say so many things but I just sit there and listened to him read the warning. To make matters worse, within the warning is a line about 'utilizing the tools the company has given you to help you get here and on time'. Like, what tools? Zero sick days? A point system that I both get a point for and have to use my PTO for missed hours?

I'm usually pretty hardworking but not really feeling like giving 100% anymore to a company that treats my completely justified absences and tardies like I'm a criminal. Currently looking for a new job too. Honestly there's so much wrong here, but this was the last straw.

Thanks for reading my rant

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