
Quitting the second I can

I was told I’d get at least 35 hours. Even more because they’re understaffed. Checked the schedule and they put me on the schedule for ONE day this week. Tuesday and Thursday I’m “on” call which I’m not payed for, and I’m never called in, and Friday I’m not scheduled at all. What’s WORSE is that they have no one scheduled for my position that day, so my one coworker will be responsible for doing two jobs, because they don’t want to pay 2 people to do the work. I cant live off of 100 bucks a week, I don’t know who can. I’m looking for another job at the moment but I’m sick of accepting the first thing that comes along because they always treat me like shit. I hate job searching so much, I NEVER see anything that seems like it would be fulfilling at all, it’s always…

I was told I’d get at least 35 hours. Even more because they’re understaffed. Checked the schedule and they put me on the schedule for ONE day this week. Tuesday and Thursday I’m “on” call which I’m not payed for, and I’m never called in, and Friday I’m not scheduled at all. What’s WORSE is that they have no one scheduled for my position that day, so my one coworker will be responsible for doing two jobs, because they don’t want to pay 2 people to do the work.

I cant live off of 100 bucks a week, I don’t know who can. I’m looking for another job at the moment but I’m sick of accepting the first thing that comes along because they always treat me like shit. I hate job searching so much, I NEVER see anything that seems like it would be fulfilling at all, it’s always some soul sucking life draining work that’s robotic and pointless. I want to do work that matters, either that or get paid enough to survive. I’m sick of indeed and other websites that I just shoot my resume out to every available job l, but I don’t know what else to do.

God. Damn.

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