
Got to decline my Manager’s manager yesterday.

So I will start this off by saying this conversation happened over the phone so I don’t have texts. My manager’s manager has a tendency to call at 8am to chew us out if we didn’t close correctly. Note we usually leave around 2 or 3 in the morning so this is an absurd time to call. Well, yesterday we got off really late most of us about 5:30. Around 9 yesterday morning I woke up to find a very annoyed sounding voicemail complaining of how I didn’t pick up the phone and I was expected to call back as soon as I woke up. I woke up a little more and called her back. First thing she says is “I expect you to pick up the phone when I call,” which I obviously ignored. Then she started on her ramble about how I didn’t close perfectly. I let it…

So I will start this off by saying this conversation happened over the phone so I don’t have texts.

My manager’s manager has a tendency to call at 8am to chew us out if we didn’t close correctly. Note we usually leave around 2 or 3 in the morning so this is an absurd time to call. Well, yesterday we got off really late most of us about 5:30. Around 9 yesterday morning I woke up to find a very annoyed sounding voicemail complaining of how I didn’t pick up the phone and I was expected to call back as soon as I woke up. I woke up a little more and called her back. First thing she says is “I expect you to pick up the phone when I call,” which I obviously ignored. Then she started on her ramble about how I didn’t close perfectly. I let it go on for about 5 minutes and decided to ask her something I have wanted to ask for a while “Am I being payed for my time on this call that is on my day off?” She was quick to respond with a very confused, “No, why would you be.” That’s when I told her that I am not required to listen and hung up the phone. After telling my coworkers who were tired of her shit what happened at least 3 others used this way of telling her off. As of right now none of us have had any retribution caused by our responses. If something happens, something happens. I can go make a lot more at McDonald’s(1.6x). Now off to sleep to be ready for tonight.

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