In our country when you're in maternal leave or pregnancy leave the state pays 100% of your salary but how they do it is the employer pays you normally and then the state gives them the money back.
Now this bitch who was also my exboss got mad that she got pregnant and made her life a living hell, gf is 7 months pregnant, doctor told her to ask permission for leave, boss wont give it to her wants her to continie working, good thing the doctor was nice amd gave her an injury leave that pays her 100% of her income.
Now my gf's pay is 1 week late, her coworkers already got paid. She messaged her boss “Hey I got things to pay, and I havent been paid yet” instead of paying this bitch blocked her number lmao.
We're gonna wait until timorrow and if thr pay isnt there yet were gonna talk to a lawyer or the state.