
Stop this “more” culture.

I'm soooo tired of my job already. (Just started there in October).We have very fluctuating workload in my department. One day there's a shit ton of work, and we literally have no time to drink some water, the next day it's all pretty chill and easy.We're being paid just as much on the busy days than we are on the more relaxed days.We have a list of batches with hours to them, and we always have to be +4 hours. So today was one of the easier going days. It started pretty busy, but after the second half of the day, we were +6,5 hours on schedule (instead of the +4 we need to be). We worked really hard. Sooo… what do we do…? We start talking a bit between our work. Not completely stopping our work, but you know… just takin' it chill, since we've already completed all we…

I'm soooo tired of my job already. (Just started there in October).We have very fluctuating workload in my department. One day there's a shit ton of work, and we literally have no time to drink some water, the next day it's all pretty chill and easy.We're being paid just as much on the busy days than we are on the more relaxed days.We have a list of batches with hours to them, and we always have to be +4 hours.

So today was one of the easier going days. It started pretty busy, but after the second half of the day, we were +6,5 hours on schedule (instead of the +4 we need to be). We worked really hard.

Sooo… what do we do…? We start talking a bit between our work. Not completely stopping our work, but you know… just takin' it chill, since we've already completed all we had to do today. Everything that comes next, is just “extra”. The atmosphere was good, we we're talking and laughing a bit, like healthy people instinctively do.

At the end of our day our teamleader comes to us very angry on how we are not being paid to chill, and pretend like we're hanging out in a pub. He wants us to work at a “constant” tempo. Saying that we should not be rushing in the beginning of the day, to talk more at the end of the day. And if we've done what we have to do, then just be “mature” and do more. I'm not being paid to do more… I don't have ambition to do more for the same price, while my boss gets paid more while paying me just as “much”. Stop the fucking MORE culture, unless I can save more money.

Like dude… Name me ONE date…. Just a random date, and I'm sure, if we view the registration, we were not short on our work. I've been in that department for about 3-4 months now, and I can only remember ONE time we were short on our work. We were +3 hours instead of +4 hours (so one hour short). Take in account that the previous shift before us was understaffed that day, and we started that day at +1,5 hours (2,5 hours short). So technically, we even did an amazing job that day.

I'd get it if he were angry if we didn't do our work… But we did… We even did more. My boss can shut the fuck up, because we've made him more money than we had to. And the way he thanks us is by saying we should be “mature” enough to do more for the same amount of money. Because we're paid to work 8 hours…Fuck you, fuck this company. I'm only staying because it pays well, so I ain't gonna show any motivation, and it's mentality like this that made me unmotivated.

Oh btw:Fuck you.

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