
My tip doesn’t go to the employee? No tip for you then!

I was at a fastfood restaurant and it was really busy. The guy/teenager who took my order was really polite even tho I could tell he was stressed. When I got my food I wanted to tip him, because he did a good job. So I asked him: if I tip you, can you keep it yourself? He didn't know so he asked his manager. The manager said that only delivery drivers get to keep their tips. So I told them to have a nice day. That teenager has to work shit hours for shit pay and he can't even keep his tips?? Fuck right off

I was at a fastfood restaurant and it was really busy. The guy/teenager who took my order was really polite even tho I could tell he was stressed. When I got my food I wanted to tip him, because he did a good job. So I asked him: if I tip you, can you keep it yourself? He didn't know so he asked his manager. The manager said that only delivery drivers get to keep their tips. So I told them to have a nice day.

That teenager has to work shit hours for shit pay and he can't even keep his tips?? Fuck right off

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