
Quit a job and the manager refused to hand me my last paycheck

So last year I worked at a pretty popular local restaurant. My brother is good friends with the owner so that’s how I got the job. I was just a cook making $10 an hour and worked 40+ hours every week. It wasn’t a terrible job, had a few friends there and got along with pretty much everybody. A lot of us would hang out after work and stuff like that. Well, fast forward several months and I was pulling a lot of weight around the kitchen because we had several new people over the summer, so in addition to teaching them things they needed to be doing I was also taking care of more than my fair share and happy to do so because it meant I was getting the most hours in the kitchen. A friend I worked with told me about her getting a raise so naturally…

So last year I worked at a pretty popular local restaurant. My brother is good friends with the owner so that’s how I got the job. I was just a cook making $10 an hour and worked 40+ hours every week. It wasn’t a terrible job, had a few friends there and got along with pretty much everybody. A lot of us would hang out after work and stuff like that. Well, fast forward several months and I was pulling a lot of weight around the kitchen because we had several new people over the summer, so in addition to teaching them things they needed to be doing I was also taking care of more than my fair share and happy to do so because it meant I was getting the most hours in the kitchen. A friend I worked with told me about her getting a raise so naturally I went to ask for one as well, as I had been there longer and not gotten one. I asked, and was refused with the owner saying they couldn’t afford any more raises to staff pay at that time. That’s all fine and good, it’s their business. So I went looking for and got a better paying job with half the stress involved. So when I quit and came by to pick up my last paycheck, the owner was in the kitchen helping out with lunch rush. I asked him for my paycheck and he said “ok as soon as I’m done here”. No problem, take your time sir. As I’m waiting the FOH manager (the owners sister) pulled me outside and cussed me out in the parking lot for quitting, saying how wrong it was and how disappointed she was in me. Like, ok lady whatever, just give me my paycheck. She refused! And told me that they would mail me my check. I had literally seen it on the office desk when I walked by to speak to the owner earlier. All she had to do was hand it to me. But whatever, she’s the main reason people keep quitting left and right at that place. I waited about a week for my paycheck and haven’t been back there since.

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