
I didn’t get the job I applied for – the raise wouldn’t have been a livable wage either but it would have helped

I didn’t get the job I applied for. I qualified for it and I’m passionate. I’m not more qualified than anyone else but I work hard. I work at a university that I also graduated from. I have worked my way up for four years (not that far up, I assure). I’ve done all of the hard jobs (customer service, accounting, financial aid, dealing with entitled staff and students) and I have all of the qualifications. My near-lateral move would have been advising outside of financial related information. In other words, I already advise, I just happen to advise in a different area. I invested my money into the university for a shitty BA, I invested my time, energy, and tears (it was hard work and higher ed can be defeating). This job would have been a near-lateral move paying me about 5k more but it would have been easier…

I didn’t get the job I applied for.

I qualified for it and I’m passionate. I’m not more qualified than anyone else but I work hard.

I work at a university that I also graduated from. I have worked my way up for four years (not that far up, I assure). I’ve done all of the hard jobs (customer service, accounting, financial aid, dealing with entitled staff and students) and I have all of the qualifications. My near-lateral move would have been advising outside of financial related information. In other words, I already advise, I just happen to advise in a different area.

I invested my money into the university for a shitty BA, I invested my time, energy, and tears (it was hard work and higher ed can be defeating).

This job would have been a near-lateral move paying me about 5k more but it would have been easier than all of the jobs I’ve done previously.

I’m not saying I’m entitled to this job but they said that I was a strong candidate, there were just better candidates. There were 5-7 open positions.

It feels like my university slapped me in the face and told me that my time spent working there and the degree I got from them are less valuable than the experiences of seven other external candidates.

I feel deflated.

Meanwhile, my partner got a raise today. A significant one and they are making more than me. Additionally, they spend nearly every day working for maybe 30 minutes, and then they chill playing games (not exaggerating).

I’m not mad at them. I’m happy for them. I even hope I get a job like that one day.

But today, they got a raise, they played their new game from the Summer Steam sale, and I worked hard and got rejected from a near-lateral position.

I would like to assume that the university would encourage the professional development of the people who have already spent their time an energy there, but that’s not the way it works. And I can’t say anything to anyone or complain. Nothing would be done. They wouldn’t even see it as messed up. I can just write into the Reddit noise.

TL;DR: the game is rigged. “Hard work” is propaganda. MMFB 🥺

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