
Just got fired 4 hours after I submit my evidence into OSHA that is working with the company to make it safe after people cut them fingers off.

Iv never gotten written up , they don't have any logs they use to track proformance at all. They didn't want to tell me why and said “proformance ” but the paperwork given to me says only discharge even with boxes to check has behavior issues and proformance issues extra on it. They choose to check off discharge only. I showed osha my documentation and pictures of safety violations that are always a problem and how I get laughed at for demanding I have acess to a fire exit that isn't blocked by my managers. (Out of 2 in my area they both are blocked for months, only one I can get to is a 4 min walk across the building). So what are my rights.

Iv never gotten written up , they don't have any logs they use to track proformance at all. They didn't want to tell me why and said “proformance ” but the paperwork given to me says only discharge even with boxes to check has behavior issues and proformance issues extra on it. They choose to check off discharge only. I showed osha my documentation and pictures of safety violations that are always a problem and how I get laughed at for demanding I have acess to a fire exit that isn't blocked by my managers. (Out of 2 in my area they both are blocked for months, only one I can get to is a 4 min walk across the building). So what are my rights.

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