
My company claims to be amazing, understaffed while office makes yearly bonus that equal a years wage for a lot of people.

I have been working for my company for almost a decade, its owned by my in-laws, I am not a employer, Im a employee and so is my husband. Way back in the day, before I started working there, the in laws covered full health insurance for the shop, and it was good insurance, they paid more than minimum wage, 9-5 M-F job, they were fair employers and gave everyone good bonuses at years end. The in-laws were very proud of the “family” atmosphere. When times started to get rough and raises were being discussed in the office I protested because they only wanted to pay 50 cents more than minimum, and at the same time went from full coverage health care to only paying 30%. I told my FIL that people cant afford to live on 8$ a hour when a gallon of milk at that time was almost…

I have been working for my company for almost a decade, its owned by my in-laws, I am not a employer, Im a employee and so is my husband. Way back in the day, before I started working there, the in laws covered full health insurance for the shop, and it was good insurance, they paid more than minimum wage, 9-5 M-F job, they were fair employers and gave everyone good bonuses at years end. The in-laws were very proud of the “family” atmosphere.

When times started to get rough and raises were being discussed in the office I protested because they only wanted to pay 50 cents more than minimum, and at the same time went from full coverage health care to only paying 30%. I told my FIL that people cant afford to live on 8$ a hour when a gallon of milk at that time was almost 4$ a gallon. He said they should get another job if they were that broke… people that worked for us 40 hours a week should get another job for milk. Yes he is a boomer.

When my BiL took over he raised wages quite a bit, but we are very understaffed at the moment because the office wants to “keep costs down”. And by understaffed I mean that shop managers that are already busy all day have to take over for shipping if the one guy we have is out. He is run ragged. The shipping guy has been promised someone to help him for 2 years now, they still havent hired anyone. On top of that pay is just barely and I mean barely higher than working for the local gas station, unless you work 3rd shift at the gas station, then they get a higher wage.

The family in the office continues to boast about what a fair and amazing business they run. At the end of the year the office, three people in total (we get the same bonus as the shop people which is fine by me) those three people take home about 50k in bonuses. I know for a fact my FIL takes home a whopping 5k a month in pay, full health insurance paid for, car repairs though the business, cell phone for free, and 1 of his 3 cars was paid for by the business. And they have the balls to brag about how amazing they are as owners.

If you arent being treated right at your job, find someone that will treat you right, because the people at the top, they dont give two shits about you, its all about the money baby. And while they have 2 Benz in the garage plus a brand new Harley, you can barely afford rent. And they dont care.

I hate my job, I hate how it makes me feel. I can only keep trying to push my husband to make real change by talking to his dad to make it happen, and I hope that the people that work for us can have a more fair future.

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