
You are a captain of a mercenary band.

It is 1362. You are a captain of an Italian mercenary band seeking work. Locals speak of a war brewing in Aquitaine, so you pack up and march there hoping for the news is true. You arrive and hear of the Duke of Aquitaine's herald speaking of war. You tell him you and your men are interested in work and he gives you an audience with the Duke. Duke: “Hail, thank you for taking the time to talk.” You: “Mhm.” Duke: “So why do you want to fight for us? What excites you about our cause? You: “Uh…. for coin?” The Duke frowns and clears his throat. Duke: “We are looking for someone passionate about fighting for us and doesn't just do it for coin.” You are stunned from such a preposterous statement, but remind yourself that you are surrounded by armed guards. You: “My men and I are stalwart…

It is 1362. You are a captain of an Italian mercenary band seeking work. Locals speak of a war brewing in Aquitaine, so you pack up and march there hoping for the news is true. You arrive and hear of the Duke of Aquitaine's herald speaking of war. You tell him you and your men are interested in work and he gives you an audience with the Duke.

Duke: “Hail, thank you for taking the time to talk.”

You: “Mhm.”

Duke: “So why do you want to fight for us? What excites you about our cause?

You: “Uh…. for coin?”

The Duke frowns and clears his throat.

Duke: “We are looking for someone passionate about fighting for us and doesn't just do it for coin.”

You are stunned from such a preposterous statement, but remind yourself that you are surrounded by armed guards.

You: “My men and I are stalwart veterans, if you are interested we can talk about the contract.”

Duke: “Do you know anything about the my Duchy?”

You: “… No, I am Italian.”

Duke: “You didn't do research into my Duchy to see if our culture and values align with yours? As Duke I spend a considerable amount of time cultivating a productive and positive military environment.”

You: “I… “

Duke: “Mind if I ask some questions?”

You sigh and nod reluctantly.

Duke: “Would you rather use your spare time to get more work done or to relax?”

You: “Are you interested in fighting men or not?!”

Duke: “Well I never, you don't seem like a team player with a can-do attitude that can thrive in the fast-paced environment of my army. Begone, I do not need your services against the English.”

You: “Fi– you're fighting the English?”

Duke: “Begone!”

You are escorted out of the castle. You then find the English who throw money at you. You fight against the French and you win and you get a bonus via pillaging villages.

The End.

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