
I got told by my boss that he doesn’t see any reason as to why i should even try.

For context, i'm in a rehab facility sponsored by the government and founded by the church that's supposed to help people integrate into the free market, who otherwise wouldn't have a future with any kind of job. I completely butchered my final exam due to a panic attack, I told my boss about it and he said it was no big deal. Now the official results are in and he said straight to my face that he doesn't see any reason for me to try and take the exam again in half a year. From someone who's supposed to help desperate cases… In the Three years of job training he never did as much as batting an eye towards helping me or the other Trainees or teaching us anything, if anything he just came in told us there's something to do, what's to do and then went off talking to…

For context, i'm in a rehab facility sponsored by the government and founded by the church that's supposed to help people integrate into the free market, who otherwise wouldn't have a future with any kind of job.

I completely butchered my final exam due to a panic attack, I told my boss about it and he said it was no big deal. Now the official results are in and he said straight to my face that he doesn't see any reason for me to try and take the exam again in half a year. From someone who's supposed to help desperate cases… In the Three years of job training he never did as much as batting an eye towards helping me or the other Trainees or teaching us anything, if anything he just came in told us there's something to do, what's to do and then went off talking to someone (more once i'm home)

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