
We are all debt slaves living in a system of debt. The federal reserve and the central banks own all “capitalism” around the entire globe! Please do some research! We will all be slaves until this system is abolished

Wonder why you can’t afford a house, car, groceries, or just the basic necessities of life? Wonder why no matter how hard you pull your bootstraps you can’t get out of the hole you are in? It’s because our whole western global monetary system was set up on Jekyll island in 1913 and then again with the Brenton woods agreement in 1944 making the world USAs bitch. We have exploited and pillaged since. Our banks printing money and buying up equities & mortgage backed securities and anything else that make the rich richer and poor poorer! The federal reserve literally prints money out of thin air and funnels it to the super wealthy, buys all political figures, and controls main stream media narrative. We need to get rid of these crooks who control the printing presses and our corporations! Who rig every market to fuck the retail! Nobody thinks it’s…

Wonder why you can’t afford a house, car, groceries, or just the basic necessities of life? Wonder why no matter how hard you pull your bootstraps you can’t get out of the hole you are in? It’s because our whole western global monetary system was set up on Jekyll island in 1913 and then again with the Brenton woods agreement in 1944 making the world USAs bitch. We have exploited and pillaged since. Our banks printing money and buying up equities & mortgage backed securities and anything else that make the rich richer and poor poorer! The federal reserve literally prints money out of thin air and funnels it to the super wealthy, buys all political figures, and controls main stream media narrative. We need to get rid of these crooks who control the printing presses and our corporations! Who rig every market to fuck the retail! Nobody thinks it’s a conflict of interest that a private for profit organization (federal reserve) that serves the interest of central banks and controlling parties has control of all of the printing presses and injects/mops up trillions of dollars worth of liquidity nightly at this point through repo/reverse repo markets to prevent a liquidity/solvency crisis and melt down in the everything super leveraged debt bubble! Anyway we will all be slaves until this system ends. We need to end fractional reserve banking and bring back sound money not fiat trash that can be printed to oblivion and funneled to the wealthy not the people!

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