
Bonus Wiped Out for being ONE minute late

Edit: 15 SECONDS late. I Was on YouTube and came across this page for business owner of a lawn care company. He has one video in which he bragged about taking away half an employees bonus because they we quite literally 1 minutes late on one single occasion. If it happens twice, the entire bonus disappears. Potentially 1 minute late total in 3 months = no bonus. The comments are pretty divided as some people agree there should be a hard line drawn and no wiggle room, while others think shit happens and there should be some grace in extenuating circumstances. I thinks it’s crazy to penalize half of an entire quarterly bonus for being what may literally be 10 seconds late with no questions asked about the circumstances. Am I crazy for having this POV? Is having a hard line a good thing and create clarity like he says?

Edit: 15 SECONDS late.

I Was on YouTube and came across this page for business owner of a lawn care company. He has one video in which he bragged about taking away half an employees bonus because they we quite literally 1 minutes late on one single occasion. If it happens twice, the entire bonus disappears. Potentially 1 minute late total in 3 months = no bonus.

The comments are pretty divided as some people agree there should be a hard line drawn and no wiggle room, while others think shit happens and there should be some grace in extenuating circumstances.

I thinks it’s crazy to penalize half of an entire quarterly bonus for being what may literally be 10 seconds late with no questions asked about the circumstances. Am I crazy for having this POV? Is having a hard line a good thing and create clarity like he says?

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