
Most Jobs Are Bullshit

Like truly bullshit. The purpose of most people's jobs are just to make people rich. The food industry isn't trying to solve world hunger, they are profiting off hunger. The car industry isn't trying to provide freedom of movement, they are profiting off people's need to travel long distances. Most jobs exist to increase profits, and not to help anyone. People build homes to make money, not to actually provide housing. If they could build something more profitable instead, then they would. Advertising is just designed to have people buy more stuff than they need. Businesses don't exist to employ the community and provide a means for people to live and prosper, they exist to exploit labor. It just feels like most jobs have no meaning at all. Most of us wouldn't have jobs if our labor didn't make someone else money. And that's the problem, money shouldn't be the…

Like truly bullshit.

The purpose of most people's jobs are just to make people rich.

The food industry isn't trying to solve world hunger, they are profiting off hunger.

The car industry isn't trying to provide freedom of movement, they are profiting off people's need to travel long distances.

Most jobs exist to increase profits, and not to help anyone.

People build homes to make money, not to actually provide housing. If they could build something more profitable instead, then they would.

Advertising is just designed to have people buy more stuff than they need.

Businesses don't exist to employ the community and provide a means for people to live and prosper, they exist to exploit labor.

It just feels like most jobs have no meaning at all. Most of us wouldn't have jobs if our labor didn't make someone else money. And that's the problem, money shouldn't be the goal, improving people's lives should be.

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