
Workers are not a metric I'm watching this news piece about employers complaining they can't get good workers, and the whole time they are laying out just how shitty they treat their workers. You get paid book time regardless of how long it takes you to do a job? You have no health benefits? No retirement package? You get treated like shit by your employer? No hope of progressing in your career and increasing compensation? Everything the dealership owner says sounds like he doesn't give two shits about the guys who actually do all the work. Its been 40 years without actually increasing the wages of the people who do the work, and these assholes who have been pocketing all these productivity benefits are surprised that the workers don't like being dehumanized to just a metric on a spreadsheet. I hope every business that treats workers like a metric fails. There is no labor…

I'm watching this news piece about employers complaining they can't get good workers, and the whole time they are laying out just how shitty they treat their workers.

You get paid book time regardless of how long it takes you to do a job?

You have no health benefits?

No retirement package?

You get treated like shit by your employer?

No hope of progressing in your career and increasing compensation?

Everything the dealership owner says sounds like he doesn't give two shits about the guys who actually do all the work.

Its been 40 years without actually increasing the wages of the people who do the work, and these assholes who have been pocketing all these productivity benefits are surprised that the workers don't like being dehumanized to just a metric on a spreadsheet.

I hope every business that treats workers like a metric fails.

There is no labor shortage, there is a pay shortage.

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