
Posts named “workers of the world, unite” with a hammer and sickle should not have a place in this sub

Before you hit the downvote button, maybe let me explain what I mean. I get it, many workplaces treat workers like shit, manipulate social norms to make people comfortable with earning shit wages, all that stuff, but just think. Do you honestly think that completely changing our economic system is going to fix everything? Because it won’t. Change must occur gradually and properly, because if shit hits the fan, it’s the workers who end up in the deep end, not the ceos and not the employer associations. With the system we have, it is far from perfect, but at least we actually have the autonomy to create, however long that might take. If, however, we were to completely adopt something akin to a command economy, that autonomy drops to 0%, and even if the big bad greedy assholes at the top get kicked out, they’ll just become replaced by people…

Before you hit the downvote button, maybe let me explain what I mean.

I get it, many workplaces treat workers like shit, manipulate social norms to make people comfortable with earning shit wages, all that stuff, but just think. Do you honestly think that completely changing our economic system is going to fix everything? Because it won’t. Change must occur gradually and properly, because if shit hits the fan, it’s the workers who end up in the deep end, not the ceos and not the employer associations. With the system we have, it is far from perfect, but at least we actually have the autonomy to create, however long that might take. If, however, we were to completely adopt something akin to a command economy, that autonomy drops to 0%, and even if the big bad greedy assholes at the top get kicked out, they’ll just become replaced by people who are as, if not more, worse and they will never be held accountable.

Just something to think about, because I get it, we want simple solutions, but there is nothing simple about any good solutions to the problem of labour exploitation.

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