
Got a call from my ex-employer’s lapdog today

He said the company is failing without me and that I should really consider coming back to work. Translation: they can’t find anyone to replace me for the shit pay. It’s been three weeks. I’ve had interviews, I’ve been offered a job pending the second interview next week. It’s not the same pay as before but I’ve also been delivering for Uber eats and I think between the two I can make it work. So while I do need money, I am not by any means desperate yet. I talked to my ex-boss about two weeks ago. I told him how I felt. He said it was all in my head and I wasn’t being abused, and made it perfectly clear that he thinks he did nothing wrong. So nothing is going to change. I told his lapdog that today and he said, “but I miss you. Please just consider…

He said the company is failing without me and that I should really consider coming back to work. Translation: they can’t find anyone to replace me for the shit pay.

It’s been three weeks. I’ve had interviews, I’ve been offered a job pending the second interview next week. It’s not the same pay as before but I’ve also been delivering for Uber eats and I think between the two I can make it work. So while I do need money, I am not by any means desperate yet.

I talked to my ex-boss about two weeks ago. I told him how I felt. He said it was all in my head and I wasn’t being abused, and made it perfectly clear that he thinks he did nothing wrong. So nothing is going to change. I told his lapdog that today and he said, “but I miss you. Please just consider coming back. I’ll call you later.”

First, I don’t know you beyond talking on the phone a few times a day. I don’t really give a flying fuck if you miss me. Second, you are not the one who should be begging me to return, the owner is. If the company is failing, that’s his decision and he needs to make that phone call. Third, I put up with his abuse and bullshit for seven years! I’m finally free! I’m not going back. Fuck that company and everyone who still works for the abusive asswipe.

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