
If UBI doesn’t happen we unskilled people are fucked

The pandemic and massive demand for higher wages have pushed businesses to resort to automation much faster. I’m just really nervous, because I like my “low skill” job (hotel housekeeper) very much – it allows me to disconnect, get shit done and go home without taking work with me. I’ve never been ambitious or even good at school and I didn’t see any point in getting into debt for a degree that doesn’t interest me, so these “unskilled” jobs are all i can do to make a living (and i get by just fine). What happens when automation becomes widespread and people like me are left unemployed? This topic seriously stresses me out but nobody around me seems to give af about it. I can’t be the only one losing sleep over this right? lmao

The pandemic and massive demand for higher wages have pushed businesses to resort to automation much faster. I’m just really nervous, because I like my “low skill” job (hotel housekeeper) very much – it allows me to disconnect, get shit done and go home without taking work with me. I’ve never been ambitious or even good at school and I didn’t see any point in getting into debt for a degree that doesn’t interest me, so these “unskilled” jobs are all i can do to make a living (and i get by just fine). What happens when automation becomes widespread and people like me are left unemployed? This topic seriously stresses me out but nobody around me seems to give af about it. I can’t be the only one losing sleep over this right? lmao

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