
Sunday Morning at Mickey D’s

The drive-thru was full and one car was backing out before anyone got behind them because the wait was so long. I was behind a truck where the guy was yelling “no” after every item because he was apparently trying to customize everything, I went inside instead. The saddest thing about going in the store these days is how the customers are always surprised and angry by the wait time for everything. That's the state of many McDonald's these days. When I was ordering at the counter, some boomer interrupted because he was waiting too long and then argued when she told him she was trying to take orders right now. As I was waiting, I got to hear grumbling about how long orders were taking and being asked how long ago I ordered. I went and sat down. Boomer guy got his order and sat down with his wife.…

The drive-thru was full and one car was backing out before anyone got behind them because the wait was so long. I was behind a truck where the guy was yelling “no” after every item because he was apparently trying to customize everything, I went inside instead.

The saddest thing about going in the store these days is how the customers are always surprised and angry by the wait time for everything. That's the state of many McDonald's these days. When I was ordering at the counter, some boomer interrupted because he was waiting too long and then argued when she told him she was trying to take orders right now. As I was waiting, I got to hear grumbling about how long orders were taking and being asked how long ago I ordered. I went and sat down.

Boomer guy got his order and sat down with his wife. He said “Tomorrow we're going to Burger King.” At least his wife said it was corporate's fault for being short staffed. I got my order after 10 minutes, which is about average when the place is busy. As I left, I saw the truck was still in the drive-thru.

A lot of the “fast food” places relied on a stable of low-wage employees they could throw on the line during busy times to get food out quickly. Now that restaurants are open, they seem to be slow to hire and just letting the employees deal with the fact that food isn't as fast as before. I can see how a four person crew could just decide to close the store and walk away.

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