
Response to employer who called my mother in law and called me an unprofessional piece of s***

I'm a shared assistant between two small businesses in the same building. I recently got licensed and wanted to quit one of the businesses to work more for the other and grow my career. The owner that I was quitting did not like that she was not included in the discussion of me phasing out, so she called her friend and member of her networking group, my mother in law and told her I was an unprofessional pos. I was trying to take the high road as we still have to be in the same building but she still hasn't paid me my last paycheck and quite frankly I don't think she deserves my respect, considering everything she's said and done. Do you think I should send or say this to her? R*** As usual you've taken it too far. Contacting my mother in law was not ok, the things…

I'm a shared assistant between two small businesses in the same building. I recently got licensed and wanted to quit one of the businesses to work more for the other and grow my career. The owner that I was quitting did not like that she was not included in the discussion of me phasing out, so she called her friend and member of her networking group, my mother in law and told her I was an unprofessional pos. I was trying to take the high road as we still have to be in the same building but she still hasn't paid me my last paycheck and quite frankly I don't think she deserves my respect, considering everything she's said and done. Do you think I should send or say this to her?

As usual you've taken it too far. Contacting my mother in law was not ok, the things you said to her we're not ok. Me telling you it was time to look for a replacement, giving you notice, saying it was to build with C**** was me trying to quit without having a huge blow up. You think I was hostile and rude, fine, I thought I was short and matter of fact trying to get off the phone. I've watched you frequently berate and run over people and lie when it suits you; A***** with the internet, Comcast bill, and your car insurance to name a few. You're ethics alone are reason enough for me to want to quit. You asked me to lie to NW which could have had implications on C's business. Luckily I'm not as stupid as you think me to be. News flash, I never called on your behalf, I took a page from your book and lied to you, but thank you for trying to blame me for the fact that you're irresponsible with your own finances.

Working with you,  the way you operate is stressful,  you fly from one emergency to another probably because you'd rather Network and deal with distractions than operate your business. Which is fine it's your business, until I'm embarrassed having to answer to clients why your behind, condos, v***** a, f****- being screamed at because you won't return phone calls, and deal with the situation. 

You respond to my time sheet saying it's about client billing is a lie yet again, it's the 3rd time in a roundabout way or point blank you've questioned my hours turned in. It's offensive that you'd think I'm trying to rip you off. All of my time does not correlate to a client,  if I'm in the building doing your banking, listening to you complain about your husband, the next emergency you have to deal with, the client list, or whatever the case may be and it's not time I can charge C for you're being charged. I'm not your friend and I'm not here to donate my time to your complaint department. I've donated enough time to your long winded off the clock phone calls, deducting hours because I made a mistake and had to fix it because you made it clear how much that upset you with your last assistant. I've even worked from home bored at night moving transactions and not charged you. Let's not get into the fact that your told me five times you're going to give me a raise and never did. I never asked for it, you clearly can't afford it, so why say it?

You're at best a mediocre business owner, who overreacts to the smallest things, you're petty and vindictive. And that is why I don't want to work for you. Now you can tell people I'm an unprofessional piece of shit.


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