
I think the family owned company I work for is stealing.

I’ve been working for a dog boarding facility for about a month and a half. I got my 3rd ever check today and noticed the total number of hours I worked and got paid for were wrong. I would have never have known if an employee (who has since been fired) mentioned they had check discrepancies and warned me to keep an eye out. All of our hours disappear on the program after the week is over. The manager prints out our hours straight off the program, have us review it and sign the bottom. Well I started taking photos of the paper we sign to make sure I’m getting paid the correct amount. I picked up my check today and noticed I was shorted hours and texted my boss. He called me to ask what was wrong with my check and I said the hours were off. He stated…

I’ve been working for a dog boarding facility for about a month and a half. I got my 3rd ever check today and noticed the total number of hours I worked and got paid for were wrong.

I would have never have known if an employee (who has since been fired) mentioned they had check discrepancies and warned me to keep an eye out.

All of our hours disappear on the program after the week is over. The manager prints out our hours straight off the program, have us review it and sign the bottom. Well I started taking photos of the paper we sign to make sure I’m getting paid the correct amount.

I picked up my check today and noticed I was shorted hours and texted my boss. He called me to ask what was wrong with my check and I said the hours were off. He stated I signed the paper and it’s correct. I proceeded to tell him I had a photo and I was shorted. He immediately said he’ll fix it the next day.

From the sounds of what the previous employee said, she had numerous discrepancies on her checks. Either who ever is doing payroll is an idiot… or they’re nickle and diming their employees.

I also just got a 1k bonus. I’ve only worked there 1.5 months… they said they admired my work ethic.

Today I also found a pill bottle prescribed to a dog we boarded last week. It was being used for a long term dog (the managers elderly dog) who is on the same medication. There is absolutely no reason why we should have a prescribed medication being used for a different dog. The bottle should have been sent home with the dog when the owners picked up. Period.

I also noticed the manager keeps unused treats from boarding dogs instead of returning them with the dog when they go home.

Am I crazy or does something seem fishy?

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