
I think one of the biggest challenges we need to solve that will have the largest effect, is helping the lowest wage/salary earners from red and blue political beliefs communicate and realize that they both want similar things, and face similar political enemies whether they are red or blue.

It is not red vs blue, it’s the lower class vs the upper class. There is a grey line in the middle, let’s say the grey line spreads from people making more than 60k a year to over 100k a year as individuals, where we know that a large majority of people making under 100k a year, especially in more expensive areas, face the same exact financial issues, where the only difference is by how much they are living paycheck to paycheck, and all still see regular medical checkups and other basic monthly/yearly things as luxury items. One of the biggest things that low wage earning right wingers argue against low wage earning left wingers is stuff like abortion, or when to teach sexual education, and other stuff that right wing media hosts use against religious people. At the top, left wing and right wing voters, politicians, lawmakers, and media…

It is not red vs blue, it’s the lower class vs the upper class.

There is a grey line in the middle, let’s say the grey line spreads from people making more than 60k a year to over 100k a year as individuals, where we know that a large majority of people making under 100k a year, especially in more expensive areas, face the same exact financial issues, where the only difference is by how much they are living paycheck to paycheck, and all still see regular medical checkups and other basic monthly/yearly things as luxury items.

One of the biggest things that low wage earning right wingers argue against low wage earning left wingers is stuff like abortion, or when to teach sexual education, and other stuff that right wing media hosts use against religious people.

At the top, left wing and right wing voters, politicians, lawmakers, and media owners come together to keep the lower classes growing and the middle classes shrinking, so that the upper classes can shrink in number but grow in wealth, so they can have more access to more things with less people “cluttering” their neighborhoods , shopping and dining areas, vacation spots, etc. They want more people to do more jobs for less money so they can do less work for more money and have more free time to enjoy being alive, get taken care of at the hospitals, and live more leisurely.

It’s for more reasons than that, but it’s the gist of it.

Abortion, police brutality disproportionately against non-white Americans, brutality against immigrants, science vs religious beliefs… those things are important too, BUT, they are constantly being used against left wingers and right wingers.

The majority population of both left and right wing voters are made of people living paycheck to paycheck, in every city, in every state.

Let’s come together and focus on that.

But not with aggression and calls for uncontrolled protests that will just lead to massive police brutality and easy demonization of the lowest paid working classes.

We need to meet and discuss calm, methodically agreed upon strategies, to find a way for us all to be paid fairly, for rent/housing prices to stop growing without any restraint or any regard to what the majority of the population earns, for our votes to actually matter, for there to be real tangible respect for all the workers who are currently viewed as nothing more than worthless cattle, whether they’re food service, retail, white collar, blue collar, military, police, etc.

We’re all suffering from the effects of greed.

Literally billions of children are not receiving even remotely similar qualities of education at most grade levels. We have a shrinking ratio of employed and licensed doctors and medical researchers and lab technicians to patients.

We have a huge problem with pollution in our air, tap water, bottled water, ocean water, lake water, farm grounds, our backyards, etc.

We are suffering both from financial greed and unregulated pollution.

We need more rational, logical, compassionate thinkers and doers, doctors, researchers, lab techs, engineers, construction workers, etc. We are overflowing with people who both only know how to do retail and basic food and cleaning services, minor data entry, and nothing more, and most businessmen only know a tiny bit more math and Microsoft Office software for making low math but high cost financial decisions, rather than knowing more important skills we actually need, like what medical professionals, engineers, technicians know how to do.

The lowest laid and least educated workers are trapped working multiple jobs and have no time, money, health, or energy to take the time out to study and practice higher level skills.

Even then, their jobs are also essential for human society to function. Without people working in retail and shipping, nobody gets the food or equipment they need, or the clean workplace they need to safely do their jobs.

The majority of people on this planet aren’t getting paid to do much more than barely live to work half to death the next day, let alone sit on a couch and contemplate our existence, communicate with their friends and families, rest, and learn new skills.

We NEED the majority to be able to also work less and learn more, and we can’t do that without getting them paid more and ALSO reducing and hard-capping the cost of rent and housing, and utilities.

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