
Should I feel bad?

Back in January I left my current employer (company A) for a competitor (company B). The competitor company offered me more money and more vacation time, so when my boss at company A found out, he texted me asking to meet with him to figure out why I left and to see if we could work something out to get me to come back. I went and talked with him, and company A offered me the exact same thing that company B offered me. They moved me into an engineer role and spent money on training and software to get me going. It’s been about 5 months now, and my side business is getting busier and busier to where I’m thinking about doing that full time. Should I feel bad about leaving again? My boss made it clear that when they hired me again that they hope I’m in it…

Back in January I left my current employer (company A) for a competitor (company B). The competitor company offered me more money and more vacation time, so when my boss at company A found out, he texted me asking to meet with him to figure out why I left and to see if we could work something out to get me to come back. I went and talked with him, and company A offered me the exact same thing that company B offered me. They moved me into an engineer role and spent money on training and software to get me going. It’s been about 5 months now, and my side business is getting busier and busier to where I’m thinking about doing that full time. Should I feel bad about leaving again? My boss made it clear that when they hired me again that they hope I’m in it for the long run. And at the time, my side business was just starting and I had no idea it would pick up this fast, so I told him I was. I guess I just feel bad that they spent money training me when I told them I’d be here for the long haul and now I’m thinking about leaving again.

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