
Company fired everyone when they couldn’t work them 40+ hours

I worked as a supervisor and I had a team assigned. I always made sure that I treated my team with respect and be there for them. I was in the top 3 teams, always had the most feedback from my team, always offered to do extra projects. The company I worked for, another story. Even if my title was supervisor, I used to do a lot more. I created training, tech support, payroll, workforce management, operations, etc. The first red flag was 2 months after I got hired. They asked us who wanted to interview for a new project (they made it sound like a promotion) some of us applied but none got to interview because one of the other supervisors was friend with the manager and she automatically got the project (let's call her Karen. Karen even told me not apply for the position, imagine my surprise when…

I worked as a supervisor and I had a team assigned. I always made sure that I treated my team with respect and be there for them. I was in the top 3 teams, always had the most feedback from my team, always offered to do extra projects. The company I worked for, another story. Even if my title was supervisor, I used to do a lot more. I created training, tech support, payroll, workforce management, operations, etc. The first red flag was 2 months after I got hired. They asked us who wanted to interview for a new project (they made it sound like a promotion) some of us applied but none got to interview because one of the other supervisors was friend with the manager and she automatically got the project (let's call her Karen. Karen even told me not apply for the position, imagine my surprise when she was the one that got the project assigned). I learned my lesson, I kept quiet and stayed away from Karen. Karen was not happy that I was not friends with her anymore. She called me after a week wasted, crying. After 2 months she got fired because other employees complained that she was using profanity and was high during the meetings. They needed someone else to take over the proiect with her gone and 4 of us applied. I interviewed and was offered the position. I asked if there is a pay increase (Karen got one) or a new title. None of those 2 were on the table. According to them, I had to show I can do the job and maybe I was considered for those 2, so I declined (my manager was not happy, even asked me to be honest going forward). The offer went to another supervisor that got the project (let's call him George). George and I were friends, he was excited he got the project, I was happy for him, he was a great worker. In the meanwhile I also got a new job offer. They were able to match my new job offer in pay so I stayed, the job was easy, my team was great, it was something easy to do. A few months passed by, my manager got moved around because other colleagues complained. A few of us applied for her position, nobody got it and they hired Karen nr.2. Karen nr.2. was worse. My 1:1s were mostly her taking about her personal life, we moved to an unlimited PTO policy (the people that had PTO accrued lost it all)and she was not accepting the requests unless it was something important, I even remember that she told me not to get lazy after I worked 12 straight evenings. I was the only one doing that, but I didn't mind, it was an easy job and I enjoyed helping my team. Well my patience was done when the bonus calculations were up and they changed the format in the last minute so I was not allowed to meet with my team (I already had 25 1:1s booked). I told them that this is unfair and I am still planning to meet with them if management liked it or not. A week passed by and I had to request a day off to take my wife to an USCIS appointment in regards to her immigration, I asked for pto for half the day and was told that I would only get accepted if they weren't busy (there were already 7 other supervisors working that day and I wasn't going to risk getting my wife deported for them). I decided to look for another job. Lucky for me the previous job was still looking for a spot to fill and they were more than happy to have me join. I accepted and quit the same day my wife had the USCIS appointment. A month passed by and I found out that all my colleagues got terminated because one of them complained to the department of labor and after an investigation they were told what they are doing is illegal and non exempt employees had to be paid overtime if they worked more than 40 hours. They decided they don't need them if they cannot work them overtime for free. Out of the 9 positions only 2 were to be kept full time, the rest seasonal. The current supervisors even had to interview for the seasonal position. None applied to stay full time as they were done with the company.

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