
No pay increase for a required masters degree.

I work in healthcare and currently in grad school for my MSN. I was set up to be the clinical educator for my unit. I would be in charge of the orientations, educating staff, and working on policies. The job requires a masters. Cool, working on that. Due to change in my units management, I knew I would be asked to staff on top of the clinical educator responsibilities. So like, 50+ hours. To add to it, there is no one currently in the position. AKA there’s no one to train me and I’d be flying by the seat of my pants. I inquired with HR about the pay. Reasonable thing to do, right? Before I continue, lemme tell you how the RN pay works: I get a base pay and then extra on the hour depending on what hoops I jump through. So the salary for the new job…

I work in healthcare and currently in grad school for my MSN. I was set up to be the clinical educator for my unit. I would be in charge of the orientations, educating staff, and working on policies. The job requires a masters. Cool, working on that. Due to change in my units management, I knew I would be asked to staff on top of the clinical educator responsibilities. So like, 50+ hours. To add to it, there is no one currently in the position. AKA there’s no one to train me and I’d be flying by the seat of my pants. I inquired with HR about the pay. Reasonable thing to do, right?
Before I continue, lemme tell you how the RN pay works: I get a base pay and then extra on the hour depending on what hoops I jump through.
So the salary for the new job is a percentage off of my base pay, not my final pay. The percent increase from my base equates to my current final pay.

I turned down the job. Pay me what I’m worth.

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