
If you can, *ALWAYS* leave a review for previous employers

TL;DR Happy 1 year anniversary to me leaving a company that did not value me in the slightest! If you wanna read the review, I copy/pasted it below under the “Review” header for your pleasure. I went back to this employer's Glassdoor as I was curious to see the ratings and sure enough only one other review after mine with a near identical story. The other's that have come after mine seem to be newer folks who haven't had a chance to truly see how the company operates. One last point I wanna make (specifically for USA folks): You do not owe the company anything, including a 2 week notice. If you find a new job and you were treated like crap don't bother giving them a notice. If you are still reading this, read below for the review. Happy to have an AMA about this too if anyone wants…

TL;DR Happy 1 year anniversary to me leaving a company that did not value me in the slightest! If you wanna read the review, I copy/pasted it below under the “Review” header for your pleasure.

I went back to this employer's Glassdoor as I was curious to see the ratings and sure enough only one other review after mine with a near identical story. The other's that have come after mine seem to be newer folks who haven't had a chance to truly see how the company operates.

One last point I wanna make (specifically for USA folks): You do not owe the company anything, including a 2 week notice. If you find a new job and you were treated like crap don't bother giving them a notice.

If you are still reading this, read below for the review. Happy to have an AMA about this too if anyone wants to ask anything. I apologize for me lengthy writing, as you can probably tell I didn't retain anything from high school or college-level English courses.

Review for company (posted roughly 1 year ago)


  • Many talented employees work there. They work incredibly hard and as a team. Those specific employees will always have your back.
  • The future plans of the company are ambitious and exciting.
  • Certain business decisions are very smart and forward thinking.
  • Very accommodating when you have appointments or need to take a day off for any number of reasons. (but this is dependent on who your manager is and if they even realize you are not at work which mine at the time had no clue).


  • They preach values and radical candor, but when you provide constructive criticisms they take a mixed approach. Essentially they “own” very little of the issues, know that the issues exist and do nothing about them, then put the blame on the team. They have a defensive attitude and go on the attack when its clear there are problems.
  • One of the values is to wear multiple hats (like in any startup). I believe this is great to a very limited extent, but when people are quite literally doing the jobs of their managers and then mention that this is way outside their scope, management goes on the attack again.
    • One of many examples: I was passed over twice for management, and when I asked for clarity as to what I need to do to get these positions I was told there was nothing I needed to improve on both times. However, I was constantly asked to do those exact managerial duties that they passed me for. The manager simply didn't know how or didn't want to do those things. A line has been crossed, you are not paying me to be a manager and therefore I am not going to do MOST of the manager duties, especially after I have proven myself time and again.
  • Management is completely out of sync with their own departments.
  • HEAVY favoritism for specific departments and specific people.
    • For example, this company has the mindset that sales team is the only team that matters. They did take this in to account and have slowly made changes to make this better so I will give them that.
  • Variety of poor employees along with the good ones (as is everywhere), but no accountability or oversight in place for some departments. Additionally, you have clearly toxic people (like laughing at videos of someone with a disorder) to people who are completely inept at doing their jobs.
  • They place a high emphasis on valuing employees but clearly do not. There have been many top-notch employees that left the company just in the past 6 months (roughly 10+).
  • Compensation is a joke and for “doing so well” no one has received raises or bonuses for over a year.
    • Just to give you an idea, I moved to a company that is giving me an 85% increase in pay, not including additional benefits.
  • They don't truly listen to their employees. When providing my issues that I would want addressed, they focused on the wrong parts of the issue. Instead of tackling the issue they tried to placate me with an empty gesture “person of the month” type of award that didn't actually do anything.
  • I provided an entire process change and development tool from scratch and was not once recognized for it. To my knowledge it was solely used in the department I was in, but before I left I found out that another department was utilizing this tool as an essential part of their onboarding. I also found out that the reason they hired a trainer was, in part, due to my actions to help new hires. I only found this out because I was saying my goodbyes to a fellow coworker wanted to recognize me for these things.
  • For saying how much they value me, when I provided my notice they didn't even pretend to care or, for that matter, acknowledge my notice. The only reason I know they saw my notice was that they locked me out the very next day (Tuesday) even though my last day was not until Friday. I still have not heard from them in an official capacity.

Advice to Management

I have given my critiques and criticisms many times with possible solutions and each time have been met with empty platitudes and empty promises. I do not see the point in giving any advice to a company that clearly does not want to hear it.

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