
My job has me standing out in 90+ degree weather in pants, with no fan.

At my job in central Florida, I stand outside for essentially 8 hours a day. For a while I wore shorts but then I got in trouble for “not being in uniform” which is a white button down and khakis. This would not bother me as much but it’s over 90 degrees F and it’s humid as all get out, and the large box fan that I usually have is at the main store (the store is split into two sections, the main store and the cart, I’m always at the cart). The AC at the main store broke so it’s 79 degrees in there, so they figured they could have my fan. They didn’t even bother to message me, yet they pester me over messages when they need an open spot filled for the day. I don’t know, it just feels like they forget about me until they find…

At my job in central Florida, I stand outside for essentially 8 hours a day. For a while I wore shorts but then I got in trouble for “not being in uniform” which is a white button down and khakis. This would not bother me as much but it’s over 90 degrees F and it’s humid as all get out, and the large box fan that I usually have is at the main store (the store is split into two sections, the main store and the cart, I’m always at the cart). The AC at the main store broke so it’s 79 degrees in there, so they figured they could have my fan. They didn’t even bother to message me, yet they pester me over messages when they need an open spot filled for the day. I don’t know, it just feels like they forget about me until they find me necessary, and it honestly hurts since I’ve gone so far for them. 🙁

Small edit: some words because I like to have good grammar

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