
I got the weirdest letter in the mail today

It was a letter with no return address, with a sad attempt at insults, and a McDonald’s application attached to it. I quit a job about three weeks ago from a toxic workplace, with this one woman in mind specifically. She was a manager always on my case. I feel like it was her or maybe her with a few others from that workplace who sent that. Not sure how to handle the situation, but I will probably just ignore it. Weirdest encounter leaving a job ever. No, I didn’t include a 2 weeks notice; they didn’t deserve it.

It was a letter with no return address, with a sad attempt at insults, and a McDonald’s application attached to it. I quit a job about three weeks ago from a toxic workplace, with this one woman in mind specifically. She was a manager always on my case. I feel like it was her or maybe her with a few others from that workplace who sent that. Not sure how to handle the situation, but I will probably just ignore it. Weirdest encounter leaving a job ever. No, I didn’t include a 2 weeks notice; they didn’t deserve it.

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